Blended and online learning
We offer support for all experience levels, whether you want to integrate learning technologies into your class, try a flipped or blended approach or go entirely online.
Blended and online learning
Looking to expand your teaching beyond the classroom walls? The online environment presents exciting possibilities in teaching and learning. Whether you are looking to integrate learning technologies into your regular classroom teaching, try a flipped or blended approach or go entirely online, we offer support for all experience levels.
Blended and online learning formats require instructors to focus their teaching practices on facilitating a sense of community among learners (Palloff & Pratt, 2013). We use Garrison and Vaughan’s (2008) Community of Inquiry framework to guide our design and practice of online learning to create a positive and authentic community.
What is blended learning?
Blended learning is the thoughtful integration of face-to-face and online learning experiences (Garrison & Vaughan, 2008). The wide range of blended learning includes technology-enriched teaching, online preparation before class, flipped learning and restructured class time. To enhance instruction and student learning while increasing access and flexibility, you can start with any type of blended learning wherever you see fit (Bonk & Graham, 2006).
Common questions:
- What are best practices for blended learning?
- How do I select and blend face-to-face and online activities?
- What should I know when designing a blended learning course?
- How do I avoid designing for a course-and-a-half syndrome?
- How can I use flipped learning to support student success?
Flipped learning
Flipped learning allows instructors to engage students with course material using a variety of online strategies before class. This allows instructor to spend class time engaging with students as they collaboratively solve problems, work on projects and investigate course content (Honeycutt, 2015). Flipped learning can be used intermittently or throughout entire courses. It is applicable across disciplines and in both large and small classrooms.

What is online learning?
Online learning is a form of distance education that allows students to study without coming to campus at all. It provides learners with the accessibility and flexibility of learning at their own paces, and it allows instructors to teach from any place with an internet connection.
Common questions:
- What technology should I use?
- What are best practices when designing and planning online courses?
- How do I facilitate online learning?
- How can I engage online students?
How do I get started with online learning?
In our consultations and Teaching Online Program, we use fundamental course design principles while considering the unique challenges of limited physical interaction opportunities. We focus on building your online teaching skills to help you get started.
“I was very apprehensive when designing my online course that I couldn't successfully replicate the in-class experience. Your course guided me to the conclusion I shouldn't." – Adam Czarnecki, past TOP participant
Bonk, C., & Graham, C. (2006). Handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
Garrison, R., D., & Vaughan, N., D. (2008). Blended learning in higher education: Framework, principles and guidelines. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Honeycutt, B. (Ed.). (2016). Flipping the college classroom: practical advice from faculty. Madison, WI: Magna Publications
Palloff, R. M., & Pratt, K. (2013). Lessons from the Virtual Classroom (2nd Ed). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.