D2L Brightspace News Submission Guidelines

D2L Brightspace is the primary online learning platform for teaching and learning at the University of Calgary, and reaches all students (undergraduate, graduate, and Continuing Education students) and course instructors. The primary use of Brightspace is for teaching and learning. News items are published in a widget on the homepage of Brightspace, which is visible to all users after they have logged in regardless of their role, before they navigate to one of their available courses.

The posted content must meet the following criteria:


The message is relevant to most course instructors and students, regardless of the program of study or student type (graduate or undergraduate).

Teaching and learning

The message has a clear connection to teaching and learning, as Brightspace is like a classroom learning space, in an online context.

One of the following is met:

A clear call to action, or “need to know” (as opposed to “good to know”) information for users.

To submit to Brightspace News, ensure your submission:

  • Is 50 words or less.
  • Includes a URL to content on a ucalgary.ca website for more information.
  • Contains purposeful, clear, accurate, timely, and up-to-date information.
  • Includes a start and end date for the news item to be posted.
  • Is written in you-focused, student-friendly language. Students are the primary audience, so speak to them!

The Brightspace administrators may revise the copy you submit. Administrators also reserve the right to determine which messages are included in the News widget.

We only promote institutional surveys and university-sanctioned research studies that have been approved by governing ethical bodies.

NOTE: Since Brightspace News is intended for official university messages, it does not include content from student clubs or groups external to UCalgary.

Timing is important.

The beginning and end of term are busy times for the 40,000+ Brightspace users, where they receive many News items and course notifications, in addition to any Information Technology messages related to service.

Since there is limited space in the widget, your message may not be published or may be postponed to a later date within your requested time range.

Submission deadlines

Items should be submitted one week prior to the proposed start date for posting.

Priority will be given to submissions with broad institutional appeal and a direct connection to teaching and learning topics of interest across faculties. 

Brightspace News items are posted on an as-needed basis. Timing of news items must be carefully considered by the Brightspace administrators, to ensure that the News widget does not overwhelm Brightspace users with notifications.

Have questions?