Curriculum Review Process
Curriculum Review is part of the Quality Assurance process at the University of Calgary
At the UCalgary, Curriculum Review (CR) is a critical examination of academic programs for the purpose of optimizing student learning experiences led collaboratively by academic staff who teach within the program. The aim is to understand how well these programs support and contribute to student learning experiences and how they can be enhanced. The CR process includes a report and action plan for enhancing the program. An interim progress report is submitted to the VPTL’s office at the mid-point of the review cycle.
For more information on how the TI can support your curriculum review, see our online resources, and/or book a consultation with an Educational Development Consultant.
An overview of the CR process
- Initiate curriculum review through communicating with the VPTL office
- Set CR goals/priorities such as program vision, program and course offerings, and guiding questions
- Collect data including curriculum mapping and student perspectives
- Collaboratively analyze and discuss data with all academic teaching staff
- Create an action plan of how to strengthen the program over the next 5-7 years
- Submit your CR Report for approval and feedback
- Implement your action plan an document your progress
- Write and submit an interim report for further feedback
- Once the cycle is complete, celebrate the program’s successes and set new goals and priorities for the next round of CR

Preparing for a Curriculum Review Consultation
To make the most of a meeting with an educational development consultant from the Taylor Institute regarding curriculum review, please do the following prior to the meeting.
Quality Assurance Handbook
Read through the Quality Assurance Handbook.
Introduction to Curriculum Review
Read through the Introduction to Curriculum Review.
Create a list of questions to discuss with the consultant.

The Taylor Institute has created guides and handouts to support groups with Curriculum Review and Curriculum Development at the University of Calgary.
The curriculum review helped us to better understand our strengths, but also, and more importantly, revealed areas of improvement in our programs and our teaching.
Chris Holdsworth
Curriculum Review Lead, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology