What is blended and online learning?
Blended and online learning provides a wide-range of high-quality learning experiences opportunities in post-secondary institutions. The flexibility in the approach, the applicability of varied pedagogical frameworks, and the creativity in design models makes blended and online learning an innovative approach for delivering high-quality learning experiences to students regardless of where they are in the world.
Definitions from the University of Calgary Registrar:
Online: A course that is delivered in a digital, internet-based learning environment.
Blended: A blended course means that it includes both in-person and online meetings.
Synchronous: A component is scheduled at specific times. You must participate or engage at the scheduled time(s).
Asynchronous: A component is not scheduled at a specific time; therefore, you may engage with the course material at a time that is convenient for you.
Hybrid: Hybrid course components have both synchronous and asynchronous meetings.

Programs and resources
Blended and Online Learning Resources
The Taylor Institute Resource Library features a variety of open-access resources on blended and online learning.
Guiding Principles of Blended and Online Course Design
The principles in this resource have been curated from current research and scholarship about effective blended and online course design.
Learning Module: Blended Learning
This online module includes four examples of blended learning models that can be used in diverse teaching and learning contexts.

Teaching Online Program
The Teaching Online Program (TOP) is an immersive, fully online program for instructors who want to enhance their online teaching and learning skills.
Blended and Online Workshop Series
The Blended and Online Workshop Series (BOWS) are sets of interactive workshops that focus on pedagogy and practice of blended and online learning.
Certificates in University Teaching and Learning
Blended and Online Learning Badge
Graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and academic staff are invited to explore the foundations of blended and online learning pedagogy, engage with blended and online course design models and learning technologies, and expand their teaching practices.
Community of Practice for Large Online Enrolment Courses
This community of practice is a participant-driven online space dedicated to sharing experiences, strategies, and resources among academic staff and instructors who teach online large enrolment courses.