A blend of people solving a problem using puzzle pieces

Program Innovation Workshop Series

The Program Innovation Workshop Series brings together leaders in program innovation from across our UCalgary community to share their experience and expertise developing new programs. This series will: provide an overview of program innovation at UCalgary, from ideation to approval and launch; share examples of how Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility can be meaningfully incorporated into program design; explore methods for integrating experiential and work-integrated learning into university programs; outline the various program structures and delivery modalities available; and explain what goes into making changes to existing programs, from small scale to full curriculum re-design.

In this series, participants will learn:

  • The program development process at UCalgary, from ideation to implementation.
  • What institutional supports are available to support program innovation.
  • How other units on campus have meaningfully incorporated key institutional priorities into program design.

Foundations of Program Innovation

This session brings together team members from the Taylor Institute and Program Innovation Hub to provide an overview of the program innovation process at UCalgary, what institutional supports are available to proponents, and to offer strategies for developing strong program learning outcomes as an initial step in the program design process.

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  • Patti Dyjur, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
  • Kelly Hoglund, Program Innovation Partner, Program Innovation Hub

Facilitated by:

  • Jaclyn Carter, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Presented on: Sept. 21, 2023

Relevant resources:

Work-Integrated Learning in Program Design

This session leverages expertise in the Taylor Institute to discuss work-integrated learning (WIL) and experiential learning (EL) at UCalgary. Attendees will learn key questions to ask when setting up and managing WIL experiences, ways to incorporate WIL into new and existing programs, and how the Program Innovation Hub and Taylor Institute can support the development of WIL initiatives in your unit.

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  • Mika Blundell, Manager, Experiential Learning, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
  • Erin Kaipainen, Director, Experiential & Work-Integrated Learning, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
  • Elizabeth Pando, Program Innovation Partner, Program Innovation Hub

Facilitated by:

  • Jaclyn Carter, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Presented on: Oct 26, 2023

Relevant resources:

Equitable Pathways: Embedding Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Program Design

This workshop provides attendees with an understanding of program design from an EDIA lens; explores program design using micro, meso, and macro frameworks; and encourages participants to engage in critical reflection through individual and group conversation.

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  • Fouzia Usman, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning
  • Jaime A. Paredes, PhD student & Graduate Research Assistant, Werklund School of Education & Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Facilitated by:

  • Jaclyn Carter, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Presented on: Nov. 30, 2023

Relevant resources:

Program Delivery How-to: Credentialing, Pathways, and Modes of Delivery

This session will provide an overview of the various program delivery options available at UCalgary and what qualities to consider when designing UCalgary credentials. Topics covered will include program structures (e.g., laddered vs. stand-alone credentials) and modes of delivery (e.g., face-to-face, blended, online). Speakers from the Program Innovation Hub and Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning will address key considerations for making decisions about program credentialing and delivery options that make sense for your program.

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  • Kelly Hoglund, Program Innovation Partner, Program Innovation Hub
  • Dr. Alysia Wright, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Facilitated by:

  • Jaclyn Carter, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Recorded on: Feb. 29, 2024

Relevant resources: 

Executing Curricular Change: from Minor Revision to Curriculum Redesign

Small and large-scale curriculum changes are a normal part of ensuring consistently meaningful learning experiences for students. In addition to supporting new program design and implementation, the Program Innovation Hub (PIH) also supports units as they update or redesign their program curricula. This session will cover: small, medium, and large-scale curricular changes and their respective approval processes; examples and strategies learned from recently approved program changes and redesigns at UCalgary; and resources available across campus to support curricular change.

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  • Jessica Revington, Program Proposal Assistant, Program Innovation Hub
  • Kelly Hoglund, Program Innovation Partner, Program Innovation Hub

Facilitated by: 

  • Jaclyn Carter, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Presented on: March 28, 2024

Relevant resources:

Preparing a Program Budget: Key Considerations

When creating new programs, or making certain substantive changes to existing ones, proponents are required to develop a budget that demonstrates program viability and sustainability from a variety of important lenses. This session—designed for our university Finance Partners but open to all members of the UCalgary community—provides a comprehensive overview of how program budgets are built, what the key questions and considerations proponents and their Finance Partners should ask when creating a budget, as well as where and from what lenses budgets are typically scrutinized as they move through the governance process.

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  • Colleen Jacobsen, Associate Director, Finance Services, UCalgary
  • Kelly Hoglund, Program Innovation Partner, Program Innovation Hub
  • Others TBD

Facilitated by:

  • Jaclyn Carter, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Presented on: April 30, 2024

Relevant resources:

Indigenous Ways of Knowing & Program Design

This session provides an overview of meaningful engagement with and integration of Indigenous Ways of Knowing in program design and development. Attendees will learn about available on-campus resources and supports, and gain ideas for how to integrate and operationalize UCalgary’s Indigenous strategy, ii’ tah’poh’to’p, and its institutional commitment to reconciliation, into existing and future academic programs

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  • Dr. Christine Martineau, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Facilitated by:

  • Jaclyn Carter, Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning

Recorded on: May 30, 2024

Relevant resources: