Nov. 26, 2018
MacKimmie Complex and Professional Faculties Building updates now available online

Curiosity was in the air as members of the campus community dropped in to an informational open house Thursday, Nov. 22 to find out how the MacKimmie Complex and Professional Faculties Building Redevelopment Project is progressing.
With a time lapse video of the MacKimmie Tower construction playing in the background, visitors to the open house browsed information about the project, with project staff on hand to answer questions. Detailed floor plans for the tower, link and block and renderings of the interiors, as well as the site plan, were unveiled.
Didn’t make it to the open house? Find all the presentation boards here.
“This was a great opportunity to share what’s been happening on the project with the campus community,” says Boris Dragicevic, associate vice-president, facilities development. “We’re making great progress and are pleased to be able to provide an update of the advancements we are making on the project.”

MacKimmie Complex and Professional Faculties Building open house.
Project progress to date
The installation of the inner glass skin of the redeveloped MacKimmie Tower's double-skin façade is currently underway, as well as the addition of two floors to the tower. Renewal and construction of the redeveloped MacKimmie Tower will continue until August 2019. Construction on the new block and link will begin in fall 2019 and continue until summer 2022.
The redeveloped MacKimmie Tower and new link and block are designed as a high-performance, net-zero carbon building and one of the first projects striving for certification with Canada Green Building Council’s (CaGBC) new Zero Carbon Building standard.
Find more information and to stay up-to-date on the project.

MacKimmie Complex and Professional Faculties Building open house.