Large Enrolment Snapshot

Discipline-Specific Approaches to Teaching Large Enrolment Courses 

What is it about?

This snapshot explores discipline-specific approaches to teaching large enrolment classes, highlighting challenges and strategies used by instructors in various disciplines. It covers engagement techniques, assessment methods, feedback strategies, and in-class activities. 

Participants shared strategies for creating a welcoming and safe learning environment in large enrolment classes. Strategies included: 

  • Incorporating an "Ask Me Anything" time to address student concerns.  
  • Sharing and repeating affirmations at the end of classes to build rapport. 

Participants shared challenges and strategies for engaging students in large enrolment classes across different disciplines. Key strategies shared included: 

  • Making connections to clinical practice to increase student interest and engagement.    
  • Using tutorials and interactive small group learning activities to encourage metacognition and engagement. 
  • Flipping the classroom and incorporating relevant in-class activities, such as working on pre-med questions in groups, to make class time more engaging and relevant. 

Participants discussed strategies for implementing effective assessment and feedback strategies in large enrolment classes. These strategies included:    

  • Utilizing low-risk, low-weight in-class assessments to break the learning into smaller chunks and provide opportunities for feedback and recovery of grades.    
  • Providing conversational feedback to promote metacognition and to allow students to reflect on their study habits and test preparation strategies. 

This summary was compiled by: Raisa Jivani, Graduate Research Assistant, as part of the work completed by the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary. 

Checklist graphic

Contributors: Lorelei Anselmo, M.Ed, Dr. Sreyasi Biswas, PhD, Dr. Brianne Burkinshaw, PhD, Dr. Jennifer Jackson, PhD, Dr. Amanda Musgrove, PhD., Raisa Jivani, EdD Candidate 

Prepared by: Raisa Jivani, EdD Candidate, Lorelei Anselmo, M.Ed, Dr. Sreyasi Biswas, PhD.