Eligibility requirements
Learn more about eligibility requirements for grants applicants.
Who can be involved?
The Teaching and Learning Grants are intended to support effective teaching and learning initiatives proposed by individuals or groups who contribute to the learning experiences of University of Calgary students. Recognizing that everyone at the university makes these contributions, we invite applications that involve academic staff and librarians, archivists, curators, teaching assistants, post-doctoral scholars, student service professionals and administrative staff. In addition, fundable projects may involve a range of contexts and activities, not just those that occur in the classroom.
However, there are specific guidelines about who can serve as Principal Grant Holders (PGH). See below for details.
Who can be Principal Grant Holders?
Principal grant-holders (PGH) must be continuously employed by the University of Calgary for the duration of the proposed grant. Sessionals, graduate students and others with appointments that don’t continuously span the full duration of the grant may be co-applicants but not PGHs. In addition, Research Services stipulates that only the following may serve as PGHs:
- Academic Appointee - any employee of the University holding an academic appointment (continuing, limited term, contingent term or sessional) or a non-employee of the University holding a clinical or adjunct appointment.
- Manager, level M2 or above.
- For Qatar any employee is eligible, provided sponsor guidelines allow for this provision.
Any individual may be the PGH on only one Teaching and Learning Grant per grant cycle. Current grant holders in good standing (successful human ethics certification [if required by Research Services], required reports submitted to tigrants@ucalgary.ca by the deadlines) may apply for new Teaching and Learning Grants. A PGH on one grant may participate as a collaborator on one or more concurrent Teaching and Learning Grants.
If a PGH terminates employment with the university, a new one may be proposed to the Teaching and Learning Grants administration, or the grant may revert back to the fund.
While collaboration with colleagues from other institutions is valued, grant funds may only be used for expenses incurred by University of Calgary collaborators on a project.
Why do I need signatures on my application, and whose signatures do I need?
The signatures form is signed by the applicant (principal investigator), all project collaborators, and the applicant’s dean (or designate) and department head. In the case that a dean or department head is a co-applicant on the project, the faculty support signature should be from someone who is not a collaborator. In 2010, the Dean’s Council approved a set of signature guidelines which explain the importance and significance of the signatures on a grant application.
The grants are open to colleagues in diverse roles, including librarians, student services professionals and administrative staff. If you are not part of a department or faculty, your application should be signed by your manager and your unit’s director.
Applicants are encouraged to obtain handwritten signatures from collaborators and faculty support. If you are unable to obtain handwritten signatures, the signatures form can be signed electronically.