We are committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive campus that is accessible to all and free from harassment, bullying, and discrimination. For more EDI resources, programs and events for the university community, visit the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Creating Accessible Course Content
This resource is designed to help course instructors and those responsible for creating course content to develop a deeper understanding of accessibility and create educational materials accessible to all learners. It discusses strategies for enhancing accessibility when adding content to D2L, creating slides, making videos and developing interactive activities in order to foster equitable and inclusive learning experiences for all students.
Creating Inclusive Course Oulines
An inclusive course is one in which all students are welcomed, and their success is maximized (Gin et al, 2021). An inclusive course outline may help to foster an inclusive learning environment, and it also has the potential to lay the foundation for inclusive teaching practices. This resource can serve as a guide on how to design an inclusive course outline.
Diversifying Course Content Through an EDI Perspective
Integrating equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into your course design can create powerful opportunities but also generate many questions. This resource outlines strategies for diversifying course content that can be used during the early stages of course design or after the course begins.
Innovative Approaches to Course Design
Innovative course design enhances student engagement and learning through student motivation, heightened interaction and insightful learning assessments (Mintz, 2021). This resource summarizes three innovative course designs that enhance the student learning experience while supporting course learner outcomes.
Learning Module: Anti-Racism, EDI and Positionality in Teaching and Learning
Racism has a long and complex history within our post-secondary education system. Access, opportunities and academic success have long been limited to certain racialized groups. This online module addresses the history of racism, anti-racist pedagogy and strategies for anti-racist education.
Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that guides the design of courses and learning environments to appeal to the largest number of learners. This guide outlines the principles of UDL and provides examples of how it could be implemented in university courses.
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