Lesson 5: Exhibit evidence of teaching effectiveness
What is evidence of teaching effectiveness?
There are multiple sources of evidence that demonstrate teaching effectiveness and you are encouraged to explore the comprehensive Guide for Providing Evidence of Teaching.
The guide provides examples from three perspectives: self, students, and colleagues and is organized under the categories of Teaching & Supporting Learning; Supervision & Mentorship; Professional Learning & Development; Educational Leadership; and Research, Scholarship, & Inquiry.
Some examples of teaching effectiveness from the guide include self-reflection, goals, summative evaluations, formative feedback, student and peer comments, teaching awards, letters of support, evaluation data, press coverage, media recognition, and scholarly publications on teaching and learning.
Alignment in your dossier
While dossiers identify our core beliefs about teaching and learning, they also provide examples of how we put those beliefs into practice. However, evidence as a stand-alone artefact is not sufficient. A well-crafted dossier aligns beliefs with strategies, evidence and critical reflection. The figure below is a visual representation of alignment.

To achieve alignment, provide commentary or reflection on each piece of evidence to explain the significance of that artefact, and how this links to your teaching philosophy.
Lesson checklist
- Identify the types of evidence that demonstrate your teaching effectiveness
- Select, integrate and exhibit evidence into your dossier
- Critically reflect on the evidence and ensure alignment with your philosophy