A Guide to Providing Evidence of Teaching

Natasha Kenny, Carol Berenson, Scott Radford, Nickie Nikolaou, Wendy Benoit, Robin Mueller, Robyn Paul, and Ellen Perrault

Providing evidence of the scope and quality of teaching, and the impact of teaching on student learning is challenging. There are multiple ways that teaching expertise in developed and communicated. The Developmental Framework for Teaching Expertise in Postsecondary Education (Kenny et al., 2017) presents five facets (Teaching & Supporting Learning, Professional Learning & Development, Mentorship, Research, Scholarship & Inquiry, Educational Leadership) and three habits of mind (Inclusive, Learning-Centred, Collaborative) to conceptualize how teaching expertise is developed. This framework provides a comprehensive overview of each facet, including associated teaching and learning activities and approaches along a continuum of development.

During the summer of 2018, there was a cross-campus conversation with teaching and learning leaders from across six faculties and units at the University of Calgary to explore how this framework could be used as a guide for providing evidence of teaching and learning. The goal was to create a document that would guide instructors in identifying and providing evidence of their teaching and learning practices. This document would help instructors prepare materials that required them to describe their teaching practice and impact (e.g. teaching dossiers and teaching award nomination packages) or to identify activities that they would like to pursue to enhance their teaching practice.

The Guide for Providing Evidence of Teaching highlights example evidence for each facet from three perspectives: evidence from self, evidence from students, and evidence from colleagues. We acknowledge that there may be overlap across various sections of the guide and that not every facet or type of evidence may be relevant to each instructor.

As with the Teaching Expertise Framework, we encourage you to share, adapt, build on, and use this guide to meet the needs of your local context.

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