Active learning

Lesson 4: Designing online learning activities and assessments

Selecting online activities and assessments

Use the following table to help select a variety of online activities and assessments. Keep in mind that activities and assessments are often connected, with grades being associated with the activity itself.


Align assessments to course learning outcomes

Align online assessments back to the course learning outcomes to ensure rigour and valid student assessment.

The following alignment worksheet can be used to help connect activities and assessments for each course learning outcome.

Assessment Alignment Worksheet

Use the following worksheet to help connect activities and assessments for each course learning outcome. 

Download the worksheet

Additional resources

An article from Faculty Focus to help you maintain quality and interaction in large online courses.

A comprehensive list of facilitation techniques to increase student engagement (see page 18 for online learning). 

Lesson checklist

  • Plan online discussion board activities and complete the worksheet

  • Select online activities and assessments to reflect both lower and higher order thinking 

  • Complete the Assessment Alignment Worksheet

More lessons


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Structuring course content

Lesson 6: Structuring course content


Lesson 1: Introduction to online learning