Two people working at a desk with a laptop, discussing checklists

Online Remote Teaching Checklist

Authors: Alysia Wright and Lorelei Anselmo

Consider using this checklist to adapt in-person courses for online delivery in the event of learning disruptions. For more resources about quality online learning, check out our Blended and Online Learning Resources.

For additional teaching and learning support, please book a 1:1 consultation with a specialist from the Taylor Institute or request support from the Learning Technologies Coaches.  

Describing online learning components in your course

The University of Calgary Registrar provides the following definitions for online course components. It may be useful to use these guidelines when determining how your course will be delivered during this period of remote teaching:


Synchronous means that a component is scheduled at specific times. Students must participate or engage at the scheduled time(s).


Asynchronous means that a component is not scheduled at a specific time; therefore, students may engage with the course material at a time that is convenient for them.


Hybrid means that some meetings for a component will be delivered synchronously, and some meetings will be delivered asynchronously. It could also mean reduced class times during the week or alternating weeks.

Preparing for online learning


Set up D2L communication tools and Zoom sessions to maintain presence and connection with students, such as creating a discussion topic dedicated to course questions and answers.

Review your course outline

Identify key content to cover during the online period, and consider re-purposing previous course materials that may be useful in this context.

Plan delivery methods

Decide how lectures, labs, and course activities will be delivered (e.g., synchronously, asynchronously, or hybrid) and how class time will be used.


Identify instructional strategies to support both students and the teaching team during remote teaching, such as connecting with students at the beginning of the course to determine what types of technologies students have access to.

Engaging in teaching online

Keep students on track

Organize weekly sections in your D2L shell with required course materials, activities, and lecture notes to help students stay on track.

Keep videos concise

Try to keep pre-recorded videos less than 15 minutes and provide opportunities for students to practice skills in the form of short active learning breaks.

Provide class recordings

If possible, record synchronous Zoom classes and upload the recordings, lesson summaries, and/or transcripts to D2L to support learning continuity for students who may not be able to attend class, as well as for those that may want to refer to materials following the learning session.

Work with teaching assistants

Collaborate with TAs to assign roles and responsibilities for communicating with students, monitoring Zoom chats, marking assignments, and other duties as agreed.

Transitioning to in-person learning


Inform students when they will be expected to be in-person, including room location and schedule of classes, using the News Item and/or Class Email feature in D2L.

Set expectations

Provide students with expectations about attendance, arrangements for absences, and student-facing supports for the transition back to in-person learning.

Continue using D2L

Maintain a positive learning experience between modalities by continuing to use D2L features like Communication, Discussions, Gradebook, and Dropbox for assignments during the in-person portion of the course.

Additional student supports

The following resources are available to students who need additional wellbeing and learning supports:  

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