Learning Module: Foundations of Experiential Learning
This module is an introduction to experiential learning (EL): what it is, designing and embedding it into a course or program, and developing meaningful EL assessments.

Last modified: February 1, 2024

This module is organized into three lessons: Planning, Designing and Embedding, and Assessing.
This module is organized into three lessons with sections in each that will explore the topic in greater detail. The lessons are organized to be completed sequentially or by jumping in and out of the sections.
If you are new to EL, doing the lessons sequentially might be the most beneficial way to engage with this module. If you have experience with EL, you might find you want to jump around and locate the topics most relevant to you.
Who is this for?
The module is directed towards faculty and staff who might be new to EL and want to know more about EL theory, activities and assessment. It is also meant for those users who might have experience with EL but who might want to know more about or refresh certain elements of an EL activity.
Each lesson is organized according to the following:

Lesson 1: Planning an EL Activity

Lesson 2: Designing and Embedding EL
Within each lesson are opportunities for you to track and reflect on your progress as well as develop a concrete EL activity for your course or program that can be assessed effectively.
You can use the interactive elements included in the lessons or download this PDF workbook to track your progress.