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The Making Sense of Student Feedback Guide

Better understand your students and improve your teaching

Take a holistic approach to understanding your students' feedback and consider its relevance for your teaching development. 


Postsecondary teaching is inherently diverse and complex, which makes it difficult to document and self-evaluate as an instructor. Ideally, we take into account robust evidence from multiple perspectives, with students' learning perspectives being one important piece of the teaching puzzle. 

Gathering and making sense of student feedback can be challenging. This guide takes a holistic approach to understanding student feedback with a focus on end-of-term course surveys, including both quantitative ratings and qualitative feedback comments. The aim is to support the meaningful use of student feedback in our teaching practices. 

The sections in this guide include the what, why and how of making sense of student feedback, and provide several resources and examples. 



Carol Berenson, PhD | Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary

Cheryl Jeffs, EdD | Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary