Teaching and Learning with Artificial Intelligence Apps
Artificial intelligence apps, such as ChatGPT, can be part of our educational toolbox just as dictionaries, calculators, and web searches are. If we think of artificial intelligence apps as another tool that students can use to ethically demonstrate their knowledge and learning, then we can emphasize learning as a process not a product.
Six thoughts on artificial intelligence and academic integrity (Eaton, 2022):
- Using artificial intelligence for school work does not automatically equate to misconduct.
- Artificial intelligence can be used ethically for teaching, learning, and assessment.
- Trying to ban the use of artificial intelligence in school is not only futile, it is irresponsible.
- Human imagination and creativity are not threatened by artificial intelligence.
- Assessments must fit for purpose and should align with learning outcomes.
- Artificial intelligence is not going anywhere. We must learn to work with new technology, not against it.
The following are considerations when thinking about artificial intelligent apps and your courses:
Have open and honest conversations with your students about your expectations regarding artificial intelligence apps and their use in your courses. Start with a discussion on artificial intelligence literary and what that means in your course.
Some guiding questions for conversations with your students may include:
- What do you know about artificial intelligent apps?
- Have you used them before? If you have, in what ways?
- How can you ethically use artificial intelligence apps to support your learning?
- Co-creating class guidelines with your students regarding the use of artificial intelligence apps in your courses.
- Encouraging students to acknowledge when they use artificial intelligence apps and acknowledge their efforts in doing so as there are no current citation standards.
- Including an artificial intelligence discussion thread to create a space to continue the conversation with your students.
Think about your current assessments through the lens of artificial intelligence. Consider how the course learning outcomes align with your assessments and the potential impact of artificial intelligence apps.
Guiding questions:
- Are there small adjustments that can be made to your course design to be proactive with artificial intelligence apps?
- How can artificial adjustments be included in conversations with your students or in discussions in small groups?
- What type of assessments align best with your course learning outcomes? Could alternative assessments be an option?
- Modeling how to use artificial intelligence apps ethically by creating an exemplar developed by an app for your students to critique.
- Creating writing or discussion prompts that ask learners to apply a reading or video to their own lives or personal contexts that reflect current events.
- Replacing short answers, essays, and reflections with alternative assessments such as mind maps, oral presentations, videos, or podcasts.
Use these resources to inform and support your instructional design and artificial intelligence.
- McMurtrie, B. (2023, January 5). Teaching: Will ChatGPT change the way you teach? Chronicle for Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/newsletter/teaching/2023-01-05?cid=gen_sign_in
- Pavlik, J.V. (2023). Collaborating With ChatGPT: Considering the Implications of Generative Artificial Intelligence for Journalism and Media Education. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/10776958221149577
- Susnjak, T. (2022). ChatGPT: The End of Online Exam Integrity? Cornell University. https://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2212.09292
Eaton, S. (2022, December 9). Sarah’s thoughts: Artificial intelligence and academic integrity. Learning, Teaching, and Leadership. https://drsaraheaton.wordpress.com/?s=ChatGPT