Teaching Remotely Checklist
Teaching remotely in an emergency or crisis situation can require you to make many quick decisions about your course design and teaching approach. Use this checklist to help you determine which strategies to use to transition your in-class teaching to a remote environment.
- Record video presentations for your class using YuJa
- Host a live online class using Zoom
- Upload content to your D2L course
- Annotate or narrate lecture notes using PowerPoint
- Link to existing online content (including Open Education Resources, Merlot.org, OASIS and others)
- Use the D2L Discussions tool for class discussions
(e.g. labs, tutorials, seminars, field trips, design labs)
- Provide raw data for virtual data analysis
- Post online simulations, collections or demonstrations for discussion, critique, analysis
- Provide external media files or links for virtual analysis
- Have students submit video or digital recording of their presentations or performances
- Break large classes into smaller online groups using D2L
- Use Office 365 for student collaboration
- Provide options for students to meet virtually (e.g. Zoom)
- Student video recording or digital sharing of projects / performances
- Structure peer feedback using the Discussions on D2L
- Email your students, either through Peoplesoft or using the D2L class list tool
- Post News for all students in D2L
- Update your course outline, email it to your students, and upload it to your D2L course site
- Use the D2L quiz tool
- Explore online assessments such as group projects, reflective writing, written or photo essays, research reports, critiques, simulations, scenarios or case studies presentations, ePortfolios
- Hold virtual office hours using Zoom
- Create a FAQ in the D2L Discussions tool
- Have students upload documents for grading using the D2L Dropbox tool
- Set up the Grades tool in your D2L course site, and connect items to assignments
- Have students submit video or digital recordings of their performances, presentations, or projects
- Use rubrics to help grade assignments quickly – D2L has a rubric tool for assignments uploaded
- Provide digital (audio, video, or written) feedback on student assignments