BOWS Blitz 2022

Engagement Strategies for Large Enrolment Classes

What is it about?

This snapshot is from the 2022 Blended and Online Workshop Series (BOWS) Blitz Large Enrolment. Engagement strategies motivate learners, provide opportunities for collaborative learning, and enhance the overall student experience. In large enrolment blended and online courses, engagement strategies can be challenging if they are not intentionally planned. In this panel discussion, participants heard from large enrolment faculty and instructors as they shared their experiences with engagement strategies that successfully involve large groups of students learning in blended and online courses. 


  • Explained how engagement strategies can be successfully utilized in large classes. 
  • Identified engagement activities that provide multiple opportunities for learners to cultivate skills through asynchronous and synchronous interactions. 
  • Implemented purposeful engagement strategies that promote social learning, collaboration, and increased participation in large enrolment courses. 

The panelists shared the need for interactive and collaborative approaches to engage students in online environments.  

  • Utilize interactive tools, for example Menti or Kahoot, to foster active learning. 
  • Encourage class participation through inclusive practices and humour. 
  • Implement diverse communication techniques to maintain student interest. 
  • Promote academic integrity and ethical behavior in online settings. 

Explore and Emphasize the Integration of both Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Methods

Panelists explored and emphasized integrating synchronous and asynchronous learning methods.  

  • Balance synchronous sessions with self-paced asynchronous learning activities. 
  • Employ digital tools to facilitate exploration and discovery. 
  • Create opportunities for peer interaction and collaborative projects. 
  • Design activities that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving to foster engagement.  

Panelists shared strategies focused on delivering content effectively in online formats. 

  • Structure content for clarity and accessibility 
  • Use multimedia resources to enhance understanding. 
  • Demonstrate and model to draw and engage students in the activities.  
  • Provide timely and constructive feedback. 
  • Align learning outcomes with teaching methods and assessments. 
Grading and assessment checlist graphic

Contributors: Dr. Mark Holden, PhD, Dr. Lillian (Lili) Jardine, EdD, and Dr. Mohammad Morshipour, PhD  
Prepared by: Raisa Jivani, EdD Candidate, Lorelei Anselmo, M.Ed., Dr. Alysia C. Wright, PhD 

This summary was compiled by Raisa Jivani as part of the Flanagan Foundation Initiative at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary.