BOWS Blitz 2023

Effective Communication for Large Online Enrolment Courses

What is it about?

This snapshot is from the 2023 Blended and Online Workshop Series (BOWS) Blitz Large Enrolment. Effective communication in a large online enrolment course can build community, increase learner motivation, and facilitate student learning. Effective communication centers around a consistent instructor presence. In this panel discussion, participants heard from large enrolment faculty and instructors as they shared their experiences and explored communication techniques that increase instructor presence in blended and online large enrolment courses. 

The panel discussion highlighted the importance of active engagement to enhance communication in large enrolment courses, emphasizing the role of diverse activities and time management strategies. 

  • Utilize discussion boards for purposes beyond Q&A to engage students in meaningful conversations and formative assessments. 
  • Implement set communication hours and clearly share them with students to manage expectations and availability. Provide both in-person and Zoom office hours as well as an open discussion board to increase flexibility and access. 
  • Employ audio and video as tools for information sharing and feedback. For example, employ these tools in emails, announcements, or orientation sessions to offer a more interactive, personalized, and creative way to communicate. 
  • Enable students to be facilitators in certain discussion threads, adding a layer of peer-to-peer engagement.  
  • Foster opportunities for students to engage with one another; for example, by fostering study groups. 

The panelists offered multiple exploration strategies, which include the use of technology and the adaptation of the pace of assignments and assessments based on course complexity. 

  • Provide students the opportunity to engage in all six strands: reading, listening, viewing, writing, speaking, and representing. 
  • Utilize multimodal elements, such as videos and podcasts, as part of the coursework to diversify learning materials. 
  • Incorporate real-world examples and scenarios in coursework to better engage students. 
  • Provide optional synchronous sessions to delve deeper into complex topics, thereby supplementing asynchronous materials. 

The panelists emphasized the importance of clear and strategic explanations, both for assignments and for understanding student comprehension. They utilized various tools, from email communication to discussion boards, to ensure this clarity. 

  •  Adjust the pace of assignments based on their complexity; for example, at the beginning of the course where the content is less complex, the assignments may be closer together. As the course progresses and the concepts become more complex, assignments may be spread further apart. 
  • Employ formative assessments, like discussion boards, to gauge students' understanding of course material in real-time. 
  • Remain open to adjusting strategies based on student feedback and performance. 
Grading and assessment checlist graphic

Contributors: Dr. Cari Din, PhD, Dr. Astrid Kendrick, EdD, Dr. Soroush Sabbaghan, PhD, and Dr. Annette Tézli, PhD 
Prepared by: Raisa Jivani, EdD Candidate, Lorelei Anselmo, M.Ed., Dr. Alysia C. Wright, PhD  

This summary was compiled by Raisa Jivani, Research Assistant, as part of the Flanagan Foundation Initiative at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary.