BOWS Blitz 2023

Considerations for Assessments in Large Enrolment Classes

What is it about?

This snapshot is from the 2023 Blended and Online Workshop Series (BOWS) Blitz Large Enrolment. Managing grading, providing constructive feedback, and including meaningful rubrics are some considerations for assessments in large enrolment classes. These considerations also provide an opportunity to reflect on assessments that are equitable, accessible, and achievable for all students. In this panel discussion, panelists, both faculty and instructors, explored best practices for assessments in blended and online large enrolment courses including contextual considerations for engaging students in assessments and effective strategies to modify assessments.

The workshop provided valuable insights into how to actively engage students in the assessment process of both online and in-person large enrollment settings. Panelists shared strategies for keeping learners motivated and consistently active in the assessment process. 

  • Use formative exercises and assessments to gauge student understanding and assess progress.  
  • Provide consistent opportunities for student feedback to enhance engagement. 
  • Utilize technology to enhance assessment methods; for example, use a D2L quiz bank to create a pool of questions for online assessments. 
  • Be clear and specific with your instructions to ensure engagement and understanding. 

The workshop encouraged the exploration of varied teaching and assessment techniques. Panelists discussed different methods' effectiveness and adaptability for large enrolment classes. 

  • Be open to various assessment methods, evaluate each, and choose the most effective one.  
  • Allow students to participate in the evaluation process; for example, collaborate in creating rubrics. 
  • Reimagine and rewrite assessments, consider innovative technologies such as AI tools that are accessible to students. 
  • Consider using visual aids, such as “waterfall charts” to compare the differences between two different data sets or processes. These aids can diversify content delivery.  
  • Revise assessments based on student feedback. 
  • Discuss the real-world relevance of the assignment or assessment to help students relate to the material and stay engaged. 

Panelists shared strategies and methods to ensure students understand and engage with the assessments. 

  • Use scaffolding techniques in formative assessments, such as a “step-by-step approach” to break down complex topics and guide student learning. 
  • Offer a variety of assessment types to meet the diverse learning needs of students and plan for providing feedback. 
  • Seek and incorporate student feedback to adapt assessment strategies and improve assessment quality and relevance. 
Grading and assessment checlist graphic

Contributors: Dr. Nazario Robles Bastida, PhD, Dr. Corey Flynn, PhD, and Dr. Lyliam (Lili) Jardine, EdD 
Prepared by: Raisa Jivani, EdD Candidate, Lorelei Anselmo, M.Ed., Dr. Alysia C. Wright, PhD 

This summary was compiled by Raisa Jivani, Graduate Research Assistant, as part of the Flanagan Foundation Initiative at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary.