BOWS Blitz 2022

Considerations for Assessments in Large Enrolment Classes 

What is it about?

This snapshot is from the 2022 Blended and Online Workshop Series (BOWS) Blitz Large Enrolment. Managing grading, providing constructive feedback, and meaningful rubrics are some considerations for assessments in large enrolment classes. Yet these considerations also provide an opportunity to consider assessments that are equitable, accessible, and achievable for all students. In this panel discussion, participants heard from faculty and instructors and explore best practices for assessments in blended and online large enrolment courses. 

Panelists within this workshop:  

  • Identified important considerations for assessment in large enrolment classes in your teaching context. 
  • Shared strategies for adopting, adapting, and creating effective assessments for large blended and online large enrolment courses. 

In this segment, the panelists shared their approaches to actively involve students in the assessment process. Strategies discussed included the importance of quality assignments that not only assess but also engage students, with a focus on providing space for meaningful feedback and balancing individual and group work.  

  • Utilize creative assessments, for example, comic strips for concept explanation. 
  • Engage students through TopHat, or other platforms, which can support student engagement and understanding.  
  • Create safe, equitable, and accessible classroom environments that foster open communication and conversations between students and educators.  
  • Find the right balance between individual and group work to support different learning styles and foster a comprehensive learning environment. 

The panelists encouraged exploring various techniques to facilitate effective teaching and assessment in large classes. The emphasis was on clarity, collaboration, and inclusivity. 

  • Assessments should be inclusive, accessible, and well-designed to promote student engagement. 
  • Group assignments can be beneficial when designed appropriately; for example, the assessment should focus on teamwork and collaboration. 
  • Assessments should also be practical for educators to grade; rubrics can be helpful however, most important is feedback, as students find this very helpful in their future work.  

Emphasize Clear Communication, Understand Student Needs, and Adapt to Various Learning Styles

The final part of the workshop involved explaining the implementation of these strategies. The panelists emphasized clear communication, understanding student needs, and adapting to various learning styles. 

  • Clear instructions in large enrolment classes can support student understanding. 
  • Assessments should be diverse and should be tailored to meet student needs. For example, open book exams can be useful and accommodation requests should be acknowledged.  
  • It is important to expand on students’ previous knowledge, ensuring it is webbed and connected to ensure continual learning and build confidence in students.  
Grading and assessment checlist graphic

Contributors: Dr. Nazario Robles Bastida, PhD, Dr. Kara Sealock, EdD, and Dr. Annette Tézli, PhD 
Prepared by: Raisa Jivani, EdD Candidate, Lorelei Anselmo, M.Ed., Dr. Alysia C. Wright, PhD 

This summary was compiled by Raisa Jivani as part of the Flanagan Foundation Initiative at the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary.