Learning Continuity for Students
Sometimes the unexpected happens. When it does, the University of Calgary will continue teaching and continue learning. Although rapid changes can be stressful, you can be sure that your instructors and the campus community will do everything they can to make sure your courses stay on track and you are supported.
Learning remotely
Even though you're not meeting in classrooms, there are a lot of options for learning remotely. A variety of tools are available to keep learning and working with other students and faculty.
Stay well
Be well - Our main priority is your health! Please check out the health tips and information on the UCalgary Student Wellness Services site.
Reach out to supports - In times like these, you may need to talk to someone who can listen, support you, and help you focus on your learning and wellness. Student mental health support is still available at UCalgary through Student Wellness Services and our community partners. Find what’s right for you.
We really do encourage you to reach out to the Student Success Centre or your academic advisor if you want to talk. Not sure who your current advisor is? Find your advisor here. They are there for you!
Prioritize care, compassion, kindness - Supporting each other can go a long way. Practice compassion and kindness to your classmates and your faculty. Everyone is doing their best to maintain your courses and stay on track for the semester.
Embrace integrity - Continue to adhere to the university academic integrity policy.
Stay informed
Course Communications
Faculty/instructors have been encouraged to send updated course information to all enrolled students. You may receive these updates through email or through D2L.
- UCalgary email
- D2L (access through my.ucalgary.ca)
Students are responsible for monitoring their UCalgary email and D2L course site to learn about updates and next steps to completing their classes on-line/remotely.
Zoom enables instructors and students to have online real-time sessions. You can share your presentations or desktop, collaborate with others, conduct small group activities and more all from virtually any device. Your instructors may use Zoom sessions in their courses. You can also use Zoom for virtual meetings and learning sessions with your peers!
To set up your Zoom account, please log in at ucalgary.zoom.us
Click on Sign in – Configure your account.
D2L is the University of Calgary’s learning management software. It is a powerful and secure learning platform that allows courses to post content, communicate through discussion boards and email, collect assignments through a dropbox feature and distribute feedback and grades.
Access your courses on D2L through my.ucalgary.ca
- Logging in to D2L
- Introduction to D2L (videos): Part I, Part II
- D2L resources for students
Related content
Academic Integrity for Students
Additional support
IT, Libraries and the Student Success Centre continue to be available to support our students.
Campus libraries and computer labs
Use the chat feature to get help online or consult with one of the librarians. All electronic resources are available 24/7.
Technology Support
- IT support (email, call, chat)
Adjusting study habits
This excellent guide from the University of Michigan provides practical strategies to stay organized and adjust to remote learning.
What Makes a Successful Online Learner?
This resource outlines 7 key skills that support your success in online courses. It is directed to those who choose online courses, but the advice is helpful to all who find themselves learning in remote environments.
Academic Support
- The Student Success Centre is now offering services both in-person and remotely. Students can book appointments or register for events through elevate.ucalgary.ca. Both the front desk and virtual front desk are open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
- Writing Support Services will remain open for student appointments until the end of term. Appointments can be accessed online via Zoom.
- Academic advising will continue to support students’ academic advising and program related questions. Find your advisor.
Accessibility and academic accommodations
Once you receive the revised course outlines, please review delivery methods and assessments to determine whether your accommodations need to be updated. If revisions are required, please liaise with your advisor in Student Accessibility Services.
Student Success Centre
The Student Success Centre offers workshops, resources and one on one help to support your online learning. Click here to explore their offerings.
This page has been adapted with permission from the Virginia Commonwealth University.