Dr. Cari Dinn facilitates a discussion in a small classroom

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A Pedagogy of kindness and human-centered design approach

Authors: Cari Din, PhD and Lorelei Anselmo, MEd 


Seeing students for who they are and what they can bring to the classroom can create a welcoming space for all students to thrive. Weimer (2013) describes the combination of instructors caring with high expectations in higher education classrooms as a potent influence on student learning. For example, the positive influence of knowing students’ names in post-secondary classrooms has been supported in SoTL inquiry (e.g., Carroll & O’Donnell, 2010; Nichols, 2016). Supportive peer and instructor-student relationships facilitate undergraduate student agency and increase student sense of belonging and community (Klemenčič, 2017; Pym & Kapp, 2013). 

This resource is designed for educators who are interested in creating a compassionate, student-centered, and community-based classroom. It is suitable for both new and experienced instructors looking to enhance their teaching practices and build stronger connections both with and between the students in their classroom. 

This resource may provide instructors with practical strategies and activities to create a welcoming and supportive classroom environment from the first day of a course. By adopting a pedagogy of kindness and human-centered learning, instructors can create a community, enhance student engagement, and promote a positive learning experience, where students feel seen and heard, from the moment they enter the room.  

What is a Pedagogy of Kindness?

A pedagogy of kindness is an approach to teaching that prioritizes care, compassion, and empathy (Denial, 2024). It focuses on creating a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel valued and respected. This approach emphasizes the importance of understanding students' individual and collective needs, through fostering a sense of belonging and community (Grant & Pittaway, 2024; Newton & Doherty, 2024).

A pedagogy of kindness includes the following: 

  • highlighting justice: give critical thought to who is in your classroom and what obstacles your students might be encountering 
  • believing students and believing in students: trust students and see them as collaborators in assignments and assessment designs (Denial, 2024). 

A pedagogy of kindness considers:

  1. kindness toward the self by “securing the time, energy, creativity, and rest we need to support our existence” (p. 16) 
  2. kindness in the syllabus by “sharing biographical information or language that explains why you’re excited to teach a particular course (p. 43-44) 
  3. kindness in the classroom by “creating classroom spaces in which we cultivate trust and belonging” (p. 82).  
  4. kindness and assessment by “giving thought to how we’re asking students to show us what they know” (p. 61) 

(Denial, 2024)

Photo of the "A Pedagogy of Kindness book" sitting in a large room

Denial, C. (2024). A Pedagogy of Kindness. University of Oklahoma Press.

3QTL podcaast graphic

Prioritizing care and compassion for our students

When you think about teaching students versus teaching a subject, the humanity of the individuals involved really comes first before you get into the beauty of whatever the subject matter might be. You might call that inclusive teaching or equity-minded teaching.  

I'm good with those terms. But I think at its core, what it is it's really a humanist approach to teaching. So, with that, comes a natural understanding that you have to be concerned and aware of what your students’ histories are before they come to you, what their lived experiences are like, and how all those things come to inform the degree to which they engage in a classroom  

(Dr. Bryan Dewsbury, PhD). (Mason, 2024, 3:19).

What is Human-Centered Teaching?

Human-Centered Teaching (HCT) refers to an educational approach that prioritizes the needs, experiences, and perspectives of students in the learning process. It emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and active engagement, allowing students to take ownership of their learning (Newton & Dougherty, 2024). This approach often incorporates principles of human-centered design, where educators design learning experiences that are responsive to students' needs and encourage them to engage with real-world problems. By focusing on the learner's experience, human-centered teaching aims to create a more inclusive and effective educational environment (Shehab & James, 2024). 

The principles of human-centered design (HCD) (Newton & Dougherty, 2024; Shehab & James, 2024) can significantly influence the first day of teaching in the classroom by shaping the approach instructors take to engage students and create an environment conducive to learning. 

The following is an example of how these principles can manifest on the first day from Dr. Cari Din’s Kinesiology 431: The Art of Coaching, course: 

Line art of a classroom with students and an instructor

Human-centered design

The principles of human-centered design (HCD) (Newton & Dougherty, 2024; Shehab & James, 2024) can significantly influence the first day of teaching in the classroom by shaping the approach instructors take to engage students and create an environment conducive to learning. 

The following is an example of how these principles can manifest on the first day from Dr. Cari Din’s Kinesiology 431: The Art of Coaching, course:


Instructors can begin by understanding the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expectations of their students. This might involve icebreaker activities that allow students to share their interests and learning goals, helping the instructor tailor the course to meet their needs.

Student-centric approach

The first day can be structured around students' needs and preferences. Instructors might solicit feedback on how students prefer to learn (e.g., group work, lectures, hands-on activities) and incorporate this input into the course design [where possible), making students feel valued and involved from the outset.


The first day can emphasize collaboration by organizing group activities or discussions that require students to work together. This not only builds a sense of community but also helps students learn from each other’s perspectives and experiences.


Instructors can introduce real-world problems or case studies relevant to the course content, encouraging students to think critically about how they might approach these challenges. This sets the stage for applying HCD principles throughout the course.

Holistic Perspective

Instructors can acknowledge the broader context of students' lives, including their academic pressures, personal commitments, and diverse backgrounds. This awareness can inform how instructors interact with students and structure the course, promoting inclusivity and understanding.

Dr. Cari Dinn draws on a whiteboard in a small classroom of students

Techniques for the classroom

What can a pedagogy of kindness approach with human centered design principles look like in the classroom?

First Day Welcome and Introduction

Start with a genuine smile and a warm welcome. Introduce yourself and share a bit about your background and interests to create a personal connection. 

  • Activity: Share a bit about yourself and what brought you to your discipline or area of expertise – tell students briefly why you care about them and their learning. Describe the purpose of becoming a community of learners over the course of the term and why learning in community matters. 
  • Ask students to reflect on and then discuss in groups of 2 or 3 their Hopes and Fears for the course as well as what they find Supports and Gets-in-the-way-of their learning and share, using whiteboards or Post-It Notes placed around the classroom (or online in a collaborative document).  
  • Next, read through and comment on the students’ notes reviewing verbally the themes you see in the four topics they reflected on, discussed, and posted. Connect what you are reading to what you will do to support their experiences and learning in the course. 
  • Activity: In larger classes, ask students to organize themselves into first name alphabet groups (all the As,...Bs...Cs... etc) through placing each letter in an area of the large room. Next, ask them for a group selfie where they write their first name under their face and then send the photo to the instructor. Use these photos to memorize their names during the first few weeks of classes. Learning and using students' names helps build a sense of community. 
  • Activity: In smaller classes, ask students to gather in a circle in first-name alphabetical order (without speaking!). Next, have each student share their first name and one thing which will help everyone remember their name. Once this process is complete, try saying each student’s name and then ask if students would like to try naming each peer in the small class.  

Create a Safe and Inclusive Environment

Link your teaching philosophy to co-creating a safe and inclusive environment with students.  

  • Activity: Discuss the importance of empathy, active listening, and mutual respect.

Empower students to co-create community norms for the class. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone feels heard and valued. 

  • Activity: Help students create classroom agreements. Conduct a brainstorming session where students suggest norms and vote anonymously on the most important ones. Ask students to respond to questions like: What can you, your peers, and your instructor do to support your learning? What gets in the way of your learning? Gather all responses and analyze them for patterns and themes. Report back to students with their collective standards for the class and return to these as the course progresses for a collective check-in. 

Prioritize Engagement and Connection

Icebreaker Activities: Use icebreakers to help students get to know each other. Activities like "Two Truths and a Lie" or "Find Someone Who" can be fun and engaging. 

  • Activity: Play "Human Bingo" where students find peers who match specific criteria (e.g., "Has a pet," "Speaks more than one language"). 

Personal Stories: Share a personal story related to the course content to humanize yourself and make the subject matter more relatable. 

  • Activity: Ask students to discuss in groups of 2 or 3, an experience related to the course topic in small groups. 

Outline Walk-through: Invite students to actively go through the course outline or syllabus in detail, rather than describing what is included in it. This gives students agency and a learning activity on the first day – which models the way active learning will happen in the course and reveals the importance of reflection, peer discussion, and becoming a kind and compassionate community of learners. 

  • Activity: Create a “scavenger hunt” based on the course outline to ensure students understand the key points while engaging in a fun task. Students work in groups of 2 or 3 and are assigned different sections of the course outline. After a few minutes, the small groups report back to the whole class their responses to these questions: What was surprising in your section? What is very important in your section? What was boring in your section?! After this step, students are encouraged to ask questions about the course based on their time reading and listening to other students’ responses to open-ended prompts about the course outline. Questions can be posed through a live Q&A session or an anonymous digital medium. 

Course Overview and Expectations

Invite students to actively go through the course outline or syllabus in detail, rather than describing what is included in it. This gives students agency and a learning activity on the first day – which models the way active learning will happen in the course and reveals the importance of reflection, peer discussion, and becoming a kind and compassionate community of learners. 

  • Activity: Create a “scavenger hunt” based on the course outline to ensure students understand the key points while engaging in a fun task. Students work in groups of 2 or 3 and are assigned different sections of the course outline. After a few minutes, the small groups report back to the whole class their responses to these questions: What was surprising in your section? What is very important in your section? What was boring in your section?! After this step, students are encouraged to ask questions about the course based on their time reading and listening to other students’ responses to open-ended prompts about the course outline. Questions can be posed through a live Q&A session or an anonymous digital medium. 

Build a Learning Community

Organize small group discussions or activities that require collaboration. This helps students start building relationships and learn to work together. 

  • Activity: Assign a small group project or discussion topic related to the first week's readings or course themes. 

Set up a system for regular feedback, such as a suggestion box or periodic check-ins. This shows that you value their input and are committed to continuous improvement. 

  • Activity: Implement a "Start, Stop, Continue" feedback method where students can share what they think should start, stop, or continue in the class. 

Reflection and Goal Setting

Ask students to reflect on and write down their personal goals for the course. This can help them feel motivated and connected to their personal purpose in the course throughout the semester.  

  • Activity: Have students share their goals in pairs and discuss how they plan to achieve them. 

Co-create a shared vision for what the class hopes to achieve together in the first week of the semester. This can foster a sense of collective responsibility and commitment. 

  • Activity: Facilitate a class discussion to set collective goals and create a visual representation of these goals to display in the classroom. 


End the class with a positive note, expressing your commitment to peer connection and active learning in your course. 

  • Activity: Share how together kindness, joy, and enthusiasm are the foundation for the course and the way to walk forward. 
  • Follow-Up: Send a follow-up email summarizing key points from the first day and reiterating your availability for support. 

By incorporating these strategies and activities, you can create a welcoming and supportive environment that fosters kindness, empathy, and human-centered learning from the very first day of class. This approach not only enhances student engagement but also builds a solid foundation for a positive and productive semester. 

Best of luck with your teaching journey! 

A photo of Dr. Cari Dinn leaning against a wall outside

Course Example: Kinesiology 431: The Art of Coaching (Dr. Cari Din, PhD)

Cari learns every student’s name in the first two weeks of class. This helps her connect with each student and show them that they are important. It signals the value of their unique presence and contribution to their learning community. Students say it makes them feel as if she cares about them holistically (Laidlaw & Din, 2020).  

The care I begin with and consistently bring to class is described by students in their anonymous Student Union Teaching Excellence Award comments, such as these ones:

Cari is the only prof I have ever had [who]… authentically cares about me. I appreciate her willingness to support me”; “She cares about students and it shows”; “She connects with every student”; “I have never felt that any other teacher cares so much about my learning.

Student | Kinesiology 431: The Art of Coaching

She begins every course by having students meet each other and discuss in small groups what they hope for and fear in the weeks ahead. Then we co-create agreements for the space. Two former students co-write a description of this strategy, as follows: 

“On the first day, Cari showed us how much she cares for her students. She deliberately created a space where we felt welcomed and excited to connect with her and our classmates. Despite not knowing anyone in the class, on our first days we both felt encouraged and supported to move beyond our comfort zones and connect.” 

Student | Kinesiology 431: The Art of Coaching

Two different students co-wrote this description of the connected and caring class community I facilitated in 2023:

Throughout the semester, Dr. Din fostered a sense of belonging and community in her classroom. This was abundantly clear during final presentations as many students took big risks and showed true vulnerability. Unlike other courses, we knew all of our classmates’ names and, although most of us began the semester as strangers, everyone showed up to support each other during their final speeches — even if they weren’t presenting that day, and without incentives given by Dr. Din. The specifically crafted feedback from the student audience also demonstrated the connections and peer respect Dr. Din created. The sense of belonging that we felt during class was so unique that none of us wanted it to end.

Student | Kinesiology 431: The Art of Coaching


Carroll, N. E., & O’Donnell, M. (2010). Some critical factors in student learning. International Journal of Education Research, 5(1), 59. 

 Denial, C. (2024). A Pedagogy of Kindness: Teaching, Engaging, and Thriving in Higher Ed. University of Oklahoma Press. 

Grant, A. & Pittaway, S. (2024). An introduction to a pedagogy of kindness. In Grant, A. & Pittaway, S. (Eds.) Enacting a Pedagogy of Kindness: A Guide for Practitioners in Higher Education. (pp. 1-8). Routledge. https://doi.org.4324/9781003364807 

Klemenčič, M. (2017). From student engagement to student agency: Conceptual considerations of European policies on student-centered learning in higher education. Higher Education Policy, 30(1), 69-85. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41307-016-0034-4 

Laidlaw, L., & Din, C. (2020). Exploring Leadership Learning in an Undergraduate Kinesiology Course. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 11(2), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.5206/cjsotl-rcacea.2020.2.10734 

Mason, D. (Host). (2023, April 3). What motivates students to be their best selves?  (Episode 9) [Audio podcast]. In 3QTL. University of Calgary Taylor Institute of Teaching and Learning. https://taylorinstitute.ucalgary.ca/resources/podcast/3qtl   

Mason, D. (Host). (2024, January 10). What is a pedagogy of kindness?  (Episode 5) [Audio podcast]. In 3QTL. University of Calgary Taylor Institute of Teaching and Learning.  https://taylorinstitute.ucalgary.ca/resources/podcast/3qtl#cate-denial 

Newton, R. & Doherty, M. (2024).  Know the student, for she is not thee. In Newton, R., Mutton, J., & Doherty, M. (Eds). Transforming Higher Education with Human-Centred Design. (pp. 266-280).  Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003383161 

Nichols, D. D. (2016). An Ethnographic Study on Undergraduate Business Students' Perceptions of Transformational Leadership Modeling in the Classroom (Order No. 10103490). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1789608062). https://ezproxy.lib.ucalgary.ca/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fdissertations-theses%2Fethnographic-study-on-undergraduate-business%2Fdocview%2F1789608062%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D9838 

Pym, J., & Kapp, R. (2013) Harnessing agency: Towards a learning model for undergraduate students, Studies in Higher Education, 38(2), 272-284.  https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2011.582096 

Shehab, S., & James, C. L. (2024). Teaching About and Through Human-Centered Design in Higher Education Classrooms: Exploring Instructors’ Experiences. Innovative Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10755-023 

Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-centered teaching : five key changes to practice (Second edition.). Jossey-Bass.