Online Assessment in Higher Education

This guide aims to provide an evidence-based background on the prevalence, benefits, challenges and importance of online student assessment in higher education. Outline strategies and recommendations from research and practice that can be used to mitigate challenges of assessing students online. Encourage instructors to thoughtfully design student assessments for use in online courses.

As online academic programs become more common in higher education, more instructors must design their courses and student assessments for the online environment. When designing online assessments common considerations such as aligning assessments with course learning outcomes, providing clear criteria for students, and protecting academic integrity need to be made. However, there are additional and unique factors to consider for the online environment, such as using technology effectively and addressing any student concerns. Through a combination of research and practice, this guide is a resource for instructors to help plan, design, and implement student assessments in fully online courses.

Online Assessment in Higher Education Guide

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